Megan Breukelman

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100+ Submissions Based Fashion Magazines - The Ultimate List

The ultimate list of submissions based fashion magazines

As both a photographer and a magazine editor, it’s important for me to stay in touch with the latest and greatest in the up-and-coming creative market. I love to discover new talents in photography, hair, makeup and styling. The way I do it? Flipping through magazines. Whether it’s a small digital magazine or a large print publication, I love seeing who’s hot, and who’s coming up. A lot of submissions based fashion magazine lists unfortunately have out of date titles, as independent magazines tend to come and go. But I’ve put together the ultimate list of fashion magazines that take submissions that are still active in 2018, and waiting for your fashion photography submissions.

How do I submit to fashion magazines?

Most submissions based fashion magazines will outline specific submissions guidelines on their website. These are super helpful so your submission has a higher chance of being reviewed and accepted. As an editor myself, I can tell you that it’s exceedingly frustrating to have contributors submit work that goes against the submissions guidelines. They’re there for a reason - follow them!

Helpful reading: Do’s and Don’ts of Magazine Submissions

Why should I submit to fashion magazines?

I’ve got five reasons why you should submit to magazines, in case you’re hesitant on getting your work out there. Submissions are a great way to start filling your portfolio with tear sheets, create connections within your industry, and establish credibility. Fashion magazines that take submissions are perfect for taking a crack at the fashion industry as a photographer, stylist, beauty artist… you name it!

Helpful reading: Why magazine submissions get rejected

100+ fashion magazines that take submissions

These fashion magazines range from print magazines, to digital, to print-on-demand. Take a peek at their websites to learn exactly how their magazine publishes, and what the right fit is for you.

Hesitant about digital magazines? Don’t be! There are tons of amazing fashion publications that are solely digital due to the costs and efforts of a print magazine. You still get tear sheets, a beautiful layout and a reading experience. Give ‘em a chance!

Grab the list of 100+ Submissions Based Fashion Magazines to Submit To here!

Ready, set, submit!

Now all you’ve got to do is shoot and submit to these submissions based fashion magazines. I’ll be updating this list with more wonderful fashion magazines that I find, so keep checking back when you’re ready to get published.

Helpful reading: 8 Trends in Photo Submissions to Avoid

Am I missing anyone?

Let me know in the comments if I’m missing any submissions based fashion magazines that you know of and I don’t!

Submit to Atlas Magazine

For newcomers, I am the Editor of Atlas Magazine, a digital submissions based fashion magazine that publishes quarterly issues and daily webitorials. Check out our submissions guidelines to learn more about how you can get published with Atlas!

Image Credits: Thistle & Lemon by Tran Chau Tu for Atlas Magazine