Megan Breukelman

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The Ultimate Photographer's Guide to Pinterest

Learn Pinterest strategies to grow and scale your photography business

I'm so excited to share a brand new guide with you! If you've ever been curious about how Pinterest can affect your photography business, this is the guide for you. It's absolutely no-frills learning and gets straight to what you need to do to make an impact in your photo business with Pinterest. The most important takeaway: Pinterest is not your typical social network. It's a search engine. Let's dive into how photographers can grow their business with Pinterest.Now that we all have some downtime to work on our photography businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, this is a perfect opportunity to get to know Pinterest for your business. Pinterest is a low-effort and high-reward platform that you can schedule in bulk and pretty much forget about. This is why it’s an especially important platform for photographers, who already wear a few too many hats. With shooting, editing, bookkeeping, contracts, galleries, social, web, blogging–– you get the point–– already on your plate, let’s make this small addition with a high reward.This platform is one that’s been ignored for years by creatives when honestly, it’s been one of the biggest assets in my business. That’s why I’ve put together this guide to share exactly how I’m using Pinterest to boost my business. No fluff, no secret upsells – this is just a simple guide on how to use the Pinterest platform for your photography business.